
We Are


An integrated and comprehensive solution provider for HVAC

Amber Enterprises India Ltd is a prominent solution provider for HVAC Industry in India. It has a dominant presence in RACs complete built unit and major RAC components with 27 manufacturing facilities across India focusing on different product segments.

Business Divisions

Prominent Solution Provider for RAC & Non-RAC

Amber is committed to creating value through reliable products that serve as the foundation for the Company’s long-term journey. Our journey, combined with fruitful synergies, paved our way toward establishing a stronger brand impression. 

Research & Development

Design capability is one of the core strengths of the Group.

Leveraging on the experience and knowledge derived from manufacturing, we have set-up a dedicated R&D center located in Rajpura, approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (“DSIR”), Ministry of Science and Technology, GoI.

Investor Relations

The Company continuously strives for excellence in its Investor Relations (“IR”) engagement with International and domestic investors through structured conference calls and periodic investor/analyst interactions. The Company always believes in leading from the front with emerging best practices in IR and building a relationship of mutual understanding.

Creating Sustainable Ecosystem

Being a responsible corporate entity, we understand that ESG consideration is the core of every business. Amber’s ESG agenda reflects a sense of responsibility in resolving various community concerns. In recent years, our increased focus on improving Amber environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy has enabled us to build better growth prospects. With this, we continue to advance and extend our leadership and collaborations across the industry.





Our Presence

9 States 27 FACTORIES
From a single factory in Rajpura, Punjab, in 1994, we have today grown to 27 manufacturing facilities across 9 locations in India. Our manufacturing facilities have a high degree of backward integration and are strategically located.

Year Exprience
Manufacturing Units
Present In States

Our Journey


2011 - 2022

Amber turned to a Public listed entity

Diversified its product portfolio in the segment of Room Air Conditioners, Components (RAC & NON-RAC), motors, electronics, and Mobile Air conditioners through various acquisitions.

2001 - 2010

Product range expansion in ODM finished goods category.

1990 - 2000

A journey from sheet metal manufacturing to become a recognised OEM players in the Air Conditioning industry.

Marquee Customers

Amber offers the best Quality and Value to meet the customers’ needs. We have a long-standing commitment to provide our customers with the best possible service every time they shop and to continually maintain a strong and lasting relationship with them.